SHRIMP GAMER PNGTuber / Text-To-Speech Stream Pet + FREE Animated Emote - 4 Static PNGs

29,22 kr. DKK

Art/Animation Created by QQTs

1 Free Animated Emote (28x28 | 56x56 | 112x112 sizes provided) - GIF file
4 Speech PNGs - 800 px - PNG File
- Open Mouth, Open Eyes
- Closed Mouth, Closed Eyes
- Open Mouth, Closed Eyes
- Closed Mouth, Open Eyes

1 Text Document including recommended programs/setup tutorial

PNGTuber recommended software: Veadotube mini by olmewe

No Refunds on Digital Downloads

If you'd like a more personalized shrimp gamer (e.g. change of color in headphones/chair), feel free to direct message for inquiry. Also direct message for any further questions. We will respond to you at our earliest convenience.